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Stop wasting time
and start living your best life!

one-on-one coaching to help transition into a purposeful retirement




The Most Common Obstacles to a Fulfilling Retirement

Do these sound familiar?


Feeling Overwhelmed

Lack of routine or structure can often lead to feeling overwhelmed.


Loss of Interest

The things that you used to enjoy have lost their appeal.


Loss of Purpose

Without purpose you can feel lost and unfulfilled.

Allow me to help

John Formia, Retirement Transition Coach

The journey of retirement can be challenging—finding fulfillment in this new phase of life can be even harder. It requires a whole new set of skills and abilities, many that don’t come naturally to those who are used to the structure and purpose of a career. It’s a common issue, but fortunately, there are proven ways to address it.

Like anything else, thriving in retirement is about doing the right things, the right way, at the right times. Guessing your way forward, which is what most people do, can lead to frustration, but following the guidance of someone who has already navigated this transition and can show you the way is a recipe for success. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I’d love to help you find your path to a fulfilling retirement.

One-on-One Coaching

Retirement Reimagined

I’ll accompany you on your journey to discovery, clarity, and purpose in retirement. We’ll uncover your unique vision for this next chapter, develop a personalized plan, and implement strategies to ensure a rewarding and joyful retirement

Discover proven strategies to find new purpose and fulfillment in retirement.
Learn which activities you must prioritize today and which you can’t afford to neglect.
Finally enjoy the retirement you invested so much effort into planning…and find joy.
Feel pride and fulfillment in your ability to not only transition into retirement but thrive in it.


As a recent retiree, I had no idea how lost I would feel.
John’s professionalism and guidance have taken me in a direction I would never have thought of.

Andrew V.

I needed someone who understood my challenges. John‘s compassionate nature and unwavering attention made me feel comfortable and supported. 

Jerry B.

Upon retiring after 30 years, I was quickly bored and lost with no motivation. John helped me to discover interests and opportunities which fill my days with contentment, joy, and most importantly, fulfillment.  

Pam S.

Finding John has been such a gift! He is wise and down to earth, has common sense, and thinks outside the box. 

Carl F.

I sought out John and his coaching expertise when I retired from my 25 years in law enforcement. John’s guidance in rediscovering myself over these last six months has made me a new person.   

Bob G.

When I retired. I asked myself  “What am I going to do next?” I didn’t have a clue. John gave me the valuable guidance to find my new purpose. Thank you!!  

Kara G.